Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sony Rolly: The Dancing MP3 Player

Have you ever seen a dancing music player? If no, take a look at this new gadget from Sony, Rolly, the dancing mp3 player. Yes, it really dances. How? First, you install songs into Sony Rolly, play it, and Sony Rolly dances to the tune of the song you have choosen. Yes, it does! Also, it can be programmed with the dance moves that you want it to perform. Cute? Yes! It gives enjoyment, and at the same time it relaxes you, since it makes you dance as well. Here is the advertisement video:

1 comment:

shanibmak said...

wow...naa pud unta ko ing-ani...haha plus i-phone...ayusa oi..waaa unta naay mag regalo s ako...

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